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Mohammad Ahnaf
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Hi There,
Mohammad Ahnaf (@moahnaf11) Github
Your Projects
Python Count-Down Timer App

This was my timer app I made using Python! Hope you guys find it beneficial check it out here also check out the youtube demo

Odin Foundations Web Calculator

Web Calculator with Keyboard support I made using Javascript/CSS/HTML check it out here and see it live

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock paper Scissors with a UI using Javascript/CSS/HTML Play against the computer! check it out here play against the computer live

Landing Page (Flexbox)

Made a webpage layout using Flexbox! check it out here and see it here live

Etch a Sketch

Virtual etch a sketch on the web enjoy! check it out here and dont forget to play it live here

Sign Up Form

Sign Up Form layout for gym! check it out here and see it live

Site Maintenance

We would like to inform you that our website is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. During this time, access to the site may be temporarily unavailable.

Community Share Day

We are excited to announce our upcoming Community Share Day, where we celebrate the diversity and talents within our community.

Updated Privacy Policy

We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. To ensure transparency and compliance with global privacy standards, we have updated our Privacy Policy.